Tuesday Texts: Chapter Two

Our Scholarly Text Program commissions and publishes new writing on single artworks by Holt and/or Smithson, which are then shared digitally through Tuesday Texts. Each Chapter of Tuesday Texts is published through a weekly announcement on Holt/Smithson Foundation's website and social media.
Chapter Two
Kelly Baum on Holt's Pine Barrens (1975)
Rory O’Dea on Smithson's The Monuments of Passaic (1967)
Jeremy Millar on Smithson's Hotel Palenque (1969/1972)
Leigh Arnold on Smithson's Texas Overflow (1970)
Anya Novak on Smithson's Broken Circle/Spiral Hill (1971)
Lori Zippay on Smithson and Holt's collaborative film Swamp (1971)
Sarah Hamill on Holt's 30 Below (1979)
Suzaan Boettger on Smithson's My House is a Decayed House (1962)