Sole Source

Nancy Holt
Marley Park, Dublin, Ireland
2 in. (5 cm) diameter galvanized steel pipe, valve, water
10 x 16 x 16 ft. (3 x 4.9 x 4.9 m)

Gravity is the power source in Holt’s bucolic plumbing system, with water from an elevated reservoir flowing down through the structure of pipes into a pre-existing ditch. Dating back to the 18th century, this ditch is dubbed a “ha-ha” by Irish hunters because of the surprise they experienced when encountering it. While the galvanized steel stands out as a contemporary presence in an otherwise historic landscape, the technology used in this structure has existed in civilization for centuries. In ​Sole Source, ​Holt subtly integrates history and modernity, nature and industry, utility and art.


Writing by the Artist

Notes on Heating System Works

Nancy Holt

Both Hot Water Heat (1984), exhibited at the John Weber Gallery in New York, and Flow Ace Heating (1985), shown at the Flow Ace Gallery (now Ace Gallery), Los Angeles, are room-size networks of pipes, gauges, and radiators, which function as the only hot-water heating systems for their spaces. The pipes loop around, and at the Flow Ace Gallery, the network of pipes extends in and out of three gallery rooms. As soon as people enter the gallery, they become enveloped in the structure of the work, the channeled water flowing all around them.

During the entire midwinter period of their installations, Hot Water Heat and Flow Ace Heating kept their galleries at just the right temperatures. The pipes and the two radiators were often hot to the touch, radiating heat throughout their respective galleries whenever the hot water flowed. The heat also caused a wheel to spin visibly in the window of an eye-level gauge.

Writing by the Artist

Ventilation Series

Nancy Holt
Made of the standard materials of each system – plumbing, electricity, drainage, heating, gas, and ventilation – the sculpture are functional; the electrical systems light, the heating systems heat, the drainage systems drain, the ventilation systems circulate the air, and so on. Since the sculptures are exposed fragments of vast, hidden networks, they are part of open-ended systems, part of the world. Over the years these technological systems have become necessary for our everyday existence, yet they are usually hidden behind walls or beneath the earth and relegated to the realm of the unconscious. We have trouble owning up to our almost total dependence on them.

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See Also

Time Span
Nancy Holt
The Contemporary Austin, Laguna Gloria, Austin, Texas⁠