Tuesday Texts: Chapter One

Our Scholarly Text Program commissions and publishes new writing on single artworks by Holt and/or Smithson, which are then shared digitally through Tuesday Texts. Each Chapter of Tuesday Texts is published through a weekly announcement on Holt/Smithson Foundation's website and social media.
Chapter One
Gary Shapiro on Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty (1970)
Barbara Miller on Nancy Holt’s Stone Enclosure: Rock Rings (1977-78)
Craig Dworkin on Robert Smithson’s A heap of Language (1966)
Joy Sleeman on Nancy Holt’s Trail Markers (1969)
Bridget Crone on Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson’s Swamp (1971)
Phyllis Tuchman on Robert Smithson’s A Nonsite (Franklin, New Jersey) (1968)
Aurora Tang on Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson’s Mono Lake (1968/2004)
Amelia Barikin on Robert Smithson’s Rocks and Mirror Square II (1971)
Marin R. Sullivan on Robert Smithson’s Cayuga Salt Mine Project (1969)