Research Fellow Announcement: Hikmet Sidney Loe

We are delighted to announce that Hikmet Sidney Loe has been awarded the first of our 2021 Research Fellowships. This Holt/Smithson Foundation program encourages new research on the work, ideas, and creative legacies of Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson. 

Hikmet Sidney Loe’s Fellowship will review Nancy Holt’s Library: a collection spanning topics as varied as art, astronomy, film, geology, geography, New Mexico history, and spirituality. Following this research, the annotated volumes will join the Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt Papers held at the Archives of American Art

Loe is an educator, writer, and curator whose research examines the changeable nature of the earth, addressing perceptual and cultural constructs of the land. She has previously worked as an Art Librarian at the Museum of Modern Art and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and as Library Director at Parsons School of Design/The New School. Loe’s first book The Spiral Jetty Encyclo: Exploring Robert Smithson's Earthwork through Time and Place was co-published in 2017 by The University of Utah Press and the Tanner Trust Fund, J. Willard Marriott Library. She is currently researching The Sun Tunnels Encyclo: Exploring Nancy Holt's Earthwork through Perception and Site.

Photograph: Austen Diamond

Archived News

Smithson's Spiral Jetty film on view at Neue Nationalgalerie

We are happy to share that Robert Smithson's film Spiral Jetty (1970) is currently on view at Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, Germany. This marks the first time that the recently completed high-resolution scan of Spiral Jetty has been shown in Europe. The film was digitized from the original 16mm film in 2024 by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, following the gift of this material by Holt/Smithson Foundation. 

Nancy Holt: Power Systems opens at the Wex

We are delighted to announce that Nancy Holt: Power Systems is now on view at the Wexner Center for the Arts in Columbus Ohio. The solo exhibition features the most extensive inquiry to date into Nancy Holt's studies of systems, focusing on her interactive site-responsive sculptural installations that expose the basic technological systems found in the built environment.