First Portuguese translation of Smithson’s writings in Artforum

We are very happy to announce the publication of Robert Smithson: Artforum 1966-73, the first Portuguese translation of Robert Smithson’s writings in Artforum magazine. 

Antônio Ewbank has edited the volume and translated the texts, with the book designed by Wallace V. Masuko. This first translation of the writings into Portuguese has been realized by coleção moraes-barbosa [Pedro Barbosa and Patrícia Moraes], working in partnership with the Foundation.

Robert Smithson: Artforum 1966-73 is a precise facsimile translation. It presents nine texts published in the magazine between 1966 and 1973, starting with Entropy and the New Monuments and closing with Frederick Law Olmsted and the Dialectical Landscape. Smithson saw his writings as artworks, and the magazine as a means to circulate his ideas. Smithson’s texts are accompanied by a contextual introduction written by Antônio Ewbank.

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