A heap of Language
σάρμα εἰκῇ κεχυμένον ὁ κάλλιστος, φησὶν Ἡράκλειτος, [ὁ] κόσμος
[the most beautiful world is like a heap of rubble tossed down in confusion]
—Heraclitus of Ephesus
Robert Smithson, A heap of Language (1966)
Graphite on graph paper
6 1/2 × 22 in. (16.5 × 55.9 cm)
Collection: The Museum of Modern Art, New York
© Holt/Smithson Foundation / Licensed by Artists Rights Society, New York
Robert Smithson, A heap of Language (1966)
Graphite on graph paper
6 1/2 × 22 in. (16.5 × 55.9 cm)
Collection: The Museum of Modern Art, New York
© Holt/Smithson Foundation / Licensed by Artists Rights Society, New York
Something between a drawing and a text—or, as Smithson referred to it, “Language to be Looked at and/or Things to be Read”—A heap of Language offers a series of linguistic terms confined by the mathematical parameters of a numbered graph. Its shape is something of a pyramid (a symbol of rigorous structural precision), yet it is constructed from the top down, defying the laws of gravity. This work could be considered a concrete poem. Cleverly evading definitive classification at every turn, A heap of Language embodies Smithson’s love of paradox.
Note: Smithon's use of lowercase "heap" is followed in the title of this work
σάρμα εἰκῇ κεχυμένον ὁ κάλλιστος, φησὶν Ἡράκλειτος, [ὁ] κόσμος
[the most beautiful world is like a heap of rubble tossed down in confusion]
—Heraclitus of Ephesus